
Integrated Leadership Model

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams, 6th US President (1825-29)

Good leaders will unlock the potential in your organisation or team, with all the benefits that this brings for the organisation, the team and the individuals.

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The needs of organisations and teams are often changing and impacting on the optimum leadership style at any given time. The good leader will know how to adapt to these changes, whilst still operating as much as possible within their most productive style.

You need to understand your current and prospective leaders. Knowing where they are at any point in time allows for timely development to advance their leadership skills in the key areas of people and process.

Heartstone Limited endorses the ILM72 instrument from AQR, which integrates major leadership models, the best tool to identify how people in leadership positions naturally perform and behave as leaders, ILM72 enhances this with comprehensive Coaching and Development reports. It also provides you with tracking reports to measure productive growth.

The ILM72 instrument enables examination of individual styles and matches these to the needs of the organisation now, and under different times/circumstances.

  • Identification of developmental needs & benefits - linking to your competency framework where appropriate.
  • Understanding which skills, knowledge and behaviours should be developed and where are the priorities.
  • A clear basis for defining effective leadership in any situation/organisation
  • A framework for coaching, mentoring & personal development

Heartstone provides flexible consulting services for ILM72 to assist according to your needs.

"Leadership is action, not position" - Donald H. McGannon

For more information on this service, please contact us.


Contact Information

To learn more about Heartstone Limited and our services, please contact us or send us feedback



Phone:09 521 7522

Address:P O Box 109-316 Newmarket Auckland 1149