
Exit Interviews

Exiting employees can give you a powerful insight into your organisation. Heartstone has a proven process to unlock these insights. Commentary is sought on:

The organisation

  • Its underlying environment and culture
  • Leadership and management
  • Workplace issues (many often unidentified)
  • Onboarding and Recruitment
  • The success of current policies and practices

The Employee and his/her own role

  • match to incoming expectations
  • achievements
  • frustrations
  • willingness to either recommend or re-join the organisation if factors leading to departing were to change

Exit Interviews


During the interview the true reason for departure is revealed, as is the depth of feeling that led up to the departure and what "tipped the scale".

The independence of Heartstone removes the barriers to open and honest comments.

Exit Interviews are best conducted immediately after a resignation is accepted and before announcement to the company.

For more information on this service, please contact us.

Contact Information

To learn more about Heartstone Limited and our services, please contact us or send us feedback



Phone:09 521 7522

Address:P O Box 109-316 Newmarket Auckland 1149